Five lines

Only in a society built on respect, can honesty be real.

Life becomes an echo, if you don't pay attention.

You can never truly see your own face.

Nobody has seen the face of God. 

It's nothing but mirrors.

Words are only metaphors for thoughts.

Activation! You are evolving, right?

“Once a Zen - master was asked: What is the most valuable thing in the world? To which he replied : the head of a dead cat. Why? Because no one can put a prize on it. So this self. Brahman. Is like the head of a dead cat. But you see. If then you say. I really ought to get that dead cat's head. I'm spiritual about it. After all, if I knew myself, I might be a better person. People might like me more? I'd be more constructed in society. I would do this, that and the other. Do you see that? That's putting the carrot before the horse. That is trying to get the tail to wag the dog. The knowledge of Braham, the self, never does anybody any good. Only when they're not concerned if it does them any good does it do them any good. Everything we do is for some serious reason. And so we never play. It is very exceptional. Because play is that which is done for itself. For fun. So the self, the atman, the Braham, exists for fun. There's no reason for this. It's completely useless. And therefore Maya is linked with the word (?) And that means play. Also of course the word illusion in English is derived from the Latin word ludae. It means it does no work. It only plays.”

(A. Watts.)

Stop having ownership of every bad thing that happened to you.

Even in the worst-case scenario, it could be looked at as "only" trauma based programming.

Put in place for you not wanting to acknowledge your true self. To wake you up from the sleep, the deep resting state of depression.

That is why the wound in your spirit as a young "new" human was traumatizing.

It was then done to your body, in the sense that you could not understand nor respond to the emotions you felt (in whatever scenario(s) of your own traumatizing experiences) which you couldn't differ from yourself, at that stage.

Thus making them stuck in the body, in many cases.

When you were developing your human mind, mental processing these wounds which by then had been subconsciously locked into your personality was creating confusion and inner conflict.

This is very common and actual today, when you hit a blockade which makes you question your higher self it is a (new) safety mechanism being activated to stop you from finding the way to yourself (your DNA) and your potential.

Onward, very much through imagination.


"Evolution" or Gods natural world, HIs creation made able to develop, is the most creative expression there is. That is why we should teach it in schools. It is a creative force expressed in evolution, unhindered. We evolve into the beings we see in our imagination. 

"With great power (knowledge, wisdom, actual physical active power a.s.o.) comes great responsibility."

Don't go mad when you find out about your response - ability.

When you work or live by man made rules, often built on illusions, you are trying to quiet the mind.

When you follow your inner guide you are intuitive, you let the mind scream if it wants to. Rule less is not without guides however. Spirit rules with laws not man made or mandated. Christ, the voice of the father).

If you disregard society's panicked need to control you, that inner voice will give you moral, natural and more empathetic ways of dealing with the challenges you normally rely on cultural and traditional dogmas to define.

You have to awaken the mind to the subconscious programming steering your everyday choices.

There are many more than you'd think.

So, what is it that you truly want out of this worldly experience? What is the aim of you “drawing oxygen out of the atmosphere” and energy from the soil and sun?

Are you here to affect the world, or be affected by it?

Mind the matter

We are one.

Only separated by time, which is both a building block and a nescessity for this reality to take place. We use it as an instrument made to comprehend the vastness of space and changes in matter. 

All insides have outsides.

The universe continually seeks balance in all its efforts and aspects. Energy never change but always transforms.

You are the point of focused attention that you experience with your (very limited) sensory aparatus; the body - brain.  

That is the focal point where your inner and outer worlds merge.

Ego is a good way to separate your being from the great being.

Without ego you wouldn't by definition be here.

But a just ego is a heros journey and a fools tale.

The Mind is the mediator between the spiritual (soul) and the material (body).

The mind is what our soul and spirit uses to operate the material vessel, called body (brain). 

The mind is also a barrier for higher understanding of reality. Which is spiritual (realm of the soul) AND material in its energy transfer. 

This is why I write body/brain _ mind - soul - spirit. To underline the fact that the mind is the gatekeeper to higher understanding of reality. Which is very much spiritual in its essence.  

The Matrix, is a matrix of conspiracies that keeps you from realizing both your self and the world you live in. 

Christ is the aim of our consciousness as Christians. 

Where would you hide yourself if you were to hide from humanity, for them to be able to find you, no matter what? 



The Heart holds the key.