I do not know. I try to understand and convey truths from my own error in search for truths (truth, goodness and beauty) and God.
The different views we have might just be different understanding of languages, just as we all understand everything else from our own perspective these days...
Energy is something we need.
Emotions can be seen as Energy in MOTION.
It's these emotions that give us power, force or energy for good or for bad. It is not just the supernatural i refer to here, it is also food, drink, sleep, activities a.s.o. It all creates emotions (trough some "magic of the inner cosmos" called chemistry or biology) for our benefit or demise. Inevitably.
That's why paying attention is so important. You'll get hooked on these emotions if they're not acknowledged and reviewed; reflected upon. They even have the power to "mess" with your hormones.
Your feelings about these emotions is not just by design correct and will not by nature give you the right reflected information. This is where awareness plays a crucial role.
The feelings we have about our emotions can and most often will betray us. It gives comfort to reflect upon this and start to practice seeing the diffferance. Emotions is there, regardless, unchanging and necessary. Our feelings about them are just objective experience of said emotions, be it of physical or supernatural origin (I hope you understand!).
That is your ego trying to deceive you into acting out of fear. The ego is here meant as the shadow of your mind’s mentality, not the part of your inner being which keeps you alive and makes you an individual (The ego is a part of your soul, without it there would be no you. This is also what the devil is after, primarily.)
Rather the persona, the imprint (the “programming” done to you growing up and in the present by your won conscoius and un - conscious actions). By environment, inheritance: the image of who you are. If you could imagine being the observer of the emotional effect these emotions have on your mental processes, you'd be so much better off, especially when acting on them.
We all would.
That is what “triggers” do to us, if we do not pay attention. To find the truth in giving each other space and time, would flip it.
So, take a step back, and look. To practice not to absorb and judge from what your feelings are telling you that the emotions try to "convey".
Maybe even: what are the possibilities in these emotions?
This is possible if we observe instead.
There are energies for you to emit and / or receive. Then you could (in greater degree at least) decide which ones you give power to, take part of and let in or out.
The "vibrational level" you're at is depending on what you emit, and consequently eligible to receive and capable of transmuting.
The frequencies you perceive and feel via your emotions is (via your sensory apparatus) not only physical, but also very much mental vibrations (with psychological effect: psyche means mind, spirit and soul).
The only reason you're trying to control the outcome. Is because you're afraid of change. But that's all there is, really. A perpetual change.
Energy in motion, right?
So, why do we tell children what to do and learn, and how to be? Because we're afraid of what they might do, learn and be if we don’t.
Why do some tell others what to do, eat and even think. Because they are afraid of what you might do, eat and think if they don’t.
Fear will have you projecting these energies and condemning those around you who you believe or perceive to be embodying these very traits which you fear the most in yourself.