Out of one in all is all, is a quote that says something like God is the reason and surce of everything and can be found in aal that is of that power.
Science (material truth) is the how, religion (spiritual truth) is the why.
Religion will never give you answers , in as much sense and degree as faith. One is only interpretations of the other which is inward knowing; re- cognition: to function again. Which is The Way to the Light and Life of God. In Christ, by the Holy Spirit.
Do you mourn the love you never got or gave? Do you know the dirrerance beteween the hurt you caused and the pain you suffered?
Then you have learned about "karma".
Listen to Christ messege; Love is the Law - Love under Gods will.
Kirkegaard once said "it was the seperation of intellect from emotion that doomed western civilization. The concept of common good is obliterated".
Note: emotional intelligence (EI) is the pre causer of intuitive intelligence (II) which is higher knowledge of the spiritual nature of the self, not merely material.
Only the good are made able to endure and see the light and not only relfections of it, or its shaddows. Thus see the light for what it truly is.
Meditate on this while you read that last part agian.
"Of lust comes sin and from sin comes death".
(The Bible; James: 12 - 15)
Lukewarm opinionated persons is the devils delight. Without ever taking individual and personal responsibility they feed the very same manipulation of energy which they so eagerly claim to aim to prevent.
What ever happened to the proud and strong men and women of the North? What happened to the vikings, the north sea sailors, the norsemen or the caroleans, and their fearless aproach to life and nature?
I am tired of this fight, this fight for a human kind that is being led by infants to an existance so far from truth, goodness and beauty that it is an insult to these very words and their origin. Are you not tired of seeing all of our prophets strung up and made a spectacle of? Both in the books and the minds of the imprisoned, polarized, death eaters of humanity.
No words of comfort are needed. There is no rest for the loving, just as for the wicked. They are of the same but differ in degree and elevation. The splitting is made by choice, which we all have to take. HAVE TO!
The days to come are going to be dark, so if you are afraid of it please stand aside. It is now time for the true christians to step into the light and the fight. You are either colateral damage or aid and ally of the enemy, so choose and choose wisely; where lies your allegiance?
Now, do you see the aim of your life? To give it away for a good cause, this we usually call purpose. Which you by now should know comes from the patiently practice and underlying discernement.
Christ is the light we are the glass.
If there ain't no wiggle there ain't no life.
Polarity is the game.
Karma is the lesson.
When all is said and done I really don't have that much to offer you besides what Jesus is trying to tell you.
And I am trying to show you.
I really don't have anything to offer but love.
The rest is up to you.
Wake up.
Pay attention.
Look within.
Find out who you are.
Begin your self discovery.
You will learn to love yourself or learn harder lessons, this is the game of karma.
Good luck.
May the force of the source be with you.
May the light and love strengthen you.
And may the truth and moral law guide you.
In Jesus name, Amen
Underneath opposition there lies love.
Underneath polarity there is unity.
In duality there is tranquility. In the balancing of counterparts. Not in their nonexistance.
Culture is a scam, and tradition holds control.
Habits (not the same as routines, which will save your life) are deadly, they lead to conformity whereas creativity is curious.
Imagination is key, where only imagination sets the limits to the infinite possibilities that are at all times available, trough Gods word.
Words are spells, who are affected by emotions.
They are vital.
Feelings are not, they are never proof of anything if not observed, paid attention to.
Love is the energy of creativity and acceptance.
A Christian, is a lightworker, but not one who tries to turn on the Light and make the dark go away. A true light worker sees their coexistence as the original truth. The sinner and the saint in us all.
He does not go round proclaiming to see the dark in others making himself the light. I cannot deem you evil, without at the same time deeming my self good. This is the trap of Karma, be advises (!). Don't fall into polarity. Use the word of God to guide you; Jesus and The Bible.
That they exist because of each other. There is no light without dark and vise versa. You make the dark beautiful in the light of.... Light.
"It is the black in your eyes that makes them beautiful. Because there would be no spark without it."
Take away the stench from the written religions and you will find the faith in and knowledge of God, and His Christ. I am not saying that the Bible isnt true. It is, and a vital part of stying on the the way towards truth and life. It is a weapon against the forces of darkness. When did Jesus himself point to scriptures? To whom?
You are free. Because you are, and by being defined by God thus proving the fact that you are loved.
The not so very great work lies in the myriad of opportunity to teach and learn. To hold and help who and what ever on your way.
The power of God lies not in human power but in the love we give one another on our path to enlightenment.
Which is everyone's path. Through either dark or light roads. You will inevitably be illuminated.
That is no matter what, the calling of true Christians, to show and protect the way of the Light; Christ.
Through the shadows but not to be engulfs in the experience of darkness. There cannot be truth without knowledge (awareness) or wisdom without admittance (attention) to the fact. God is real, and so are you.
You cannot find God or His Light without truth (Jesus Christ). You can find a way to the truth via distorted versions of the truth. That takes strong alchemy. Few are capable. How do we find the truth if we eat lies?
When you then find the truth you still have to be able to grasp it. By knowing through believing. Not understanding (knowledge) but knowing (faith in the promises of God).
The spirit knows the truth. The soul feels it. If human weren't supposed to know they would not have been given the opportunity to. If you believe in the story of the scientifically or the theologically bang doesn't matter.
Creation or evolution, both ideologies show us this. There are no frames that can hold the truth of God. As He created this 3D (space, time and matter) reality He is outside it and not affected by it.
This creation is ever flowing, ever changing, ever growing and evolving. If you care about who said it rather than whats being said, you are a part of the problem.
It is, has always been and will always be WHAT is said that matters most. Never WHO and HOW. Because, even the worst of us can teach the best of us something.
"The last becomes the first and the first last".
Only in oneness does evil, or the fight between opposites dissolve. Only in observing, accepting and transmuting (alchemy) does awareness emerge as a light in the night, from the darkness of ignorance.
You might think: What do you say? Is that really what you mean?
YES! We no longer have time or energy to waste on mindless, senseless and heartless things. The tyranny (whatever that is) of today’s society is killing our (primarily the male) values.
There are in nature polarities, by design. That is the force, that lies dormant in everything and everyone. The divine feminine and the divine masculine. It is the sexual force of attraction. The creative essence that is capable of creating life.
That power should be handled with a little more care, attention and respect then it is by large today.