Faith - Imagination - Christ - Karma - Understanding

1. Faith 

Faith is believing in the healing effect of god´s Love for humanity. Most able to attain in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Master. Through and by The Holy Spirit. 

It is only when one relaizes one´s own capabiity to do evil that what one believes can be true and good becomes clear. 


2. Imagination 

Your vibration is you mental state. Where you vibrate is also where you draw and produce energy: force or power. Your vibrational frequency is how fast your pitch and drop (can you see?).


How fast does your tune go? How high is your pitch? How quick is your tide? 

If we can find harmony in the intercourse of tonality and accustics, we are in tune. We can follow the beat.


Feel me? 


3. I, magi, nation

The true meaning of infinite possibilities lies not in understanding but in imagination. Not in what is, but what might be. 

As Einstein said: Imagination is everything. It is the previews of life´s coming atractions." We are thus only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imgination (I, magi, nation).

Note to remember: Dissatisfaction is a creative force!


4. Christ

Keep seeking and learing until real eyes realize real lies, and the inner truth of who Jesus Christ is and how He came to that titel: King of kings and high priest. Keep listening to God as if every word ever uttered (by air of ink) as if it where a version of God´s living word, see it through belief and faith in Christ Jesus. 

If you cannot see or hear God, it is because you are not looking, nor are you listening. God is not actively present here Him self. He gave us free will and invented a "tricky little game ; mechanisme: law, called Karma, to help us a long the path home. This is most often experienced in polarity, due to lack of understanding of time and space and the forces at work here.

Try to stay as aware and vigilant as you can, and act out with discernment, rigor and determination. 



Is your aim  for the service of others or just your self? 

Take responsibility through your words and thus actions (words are our thoughts and feelings made material by the physical tounge). They reflect how you respond to your emotional surroundings (energy in motion), and are based on linguistics and "bodily grammar" (I´m sorry for lacking in this very area here: the right words :-)). Lazy, or bad grammar, language or manners goes hand in hand with many other undesirable habits, which in turn turnes into trates and life style, and eventually personality and expressions of it. 

Karma is a word that describes a particular view of Gods Natural Law. It is from Buddhism/Hindusim, which also are words to describe these ideologies on philosophy and religion. 

Christianity is a word that describes a person with a personal relationship with Christ; Jesus of Nazareth. Not a religion, or doctrine of laws, rules, regulations and rituals to make man able to meet God. It if a firm belief that The Word of God became flesh, that God Himself incarnated into creation to save us.  And the faith that He did and that we now awaits his return. NOt to save us, but to redeem and redo "this world", to "have His Kingdom finally coming". 


 6. Understanding

"In ordinary thinking, people do not distinguish between understanding and knowledge. They think that greater understanding depends upon greater knowledge (detail oriented, risks missing the bigger picture). Therefor they accumulate knowledge, or that which they percieve and call knowledge, but they do not accumulate understanding, and they do not bother about it." 

- Unknown (to me and google)




I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit; Born of the Virgin Mary; Suffered under Pontius Pilate; Was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into Hell; The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven; And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit; The Holy Christian Church, the Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body; And the life everlasting.


Christ is the Light. We are the glass.

Christ is the Light. We are the glass.

Do you believe in God?

There are no two similar inner/ understandings of God.

So when you get asked "do you believe in God '', the right answer is ALWAYS "what do you mean by God"?

I know God exists, so who is this god you ask me if I believe in?

A change of Heart is good for the Soul

You don't use your strongest muscles to show strength, you use your weakest.

Therefore I have become soft and tender to practice my strength and will.

Like a true warrior of the heart: A Christian.

Not until you have been completely broken.

Shattered into oblivion. And by the grace of God and aid of Christ through the holy spirit, been made able to put yourself back in some sorted order again, will you ever understand me when I say: Do not engage if you're not genuine.

If I cannot see, feel or believe that you know what soul connection is, how divine love and what the words I love you truly mean, we have no business together.

Man or woman. Partner or friend. Brother or sister. Father or Mother.

As in so many other cases of focus and attention we tend to focus on the details instead of the bigger picture.

Look at your relationships, look at your worldview, your country, your city, your house etc.

Everybody else, regardless of how big or small that cirkel is, is crazy.

That is cognitive dissonance. Release the urge of trying to make a point, being right and in control. Only then may you open the possibility for the bigger picture.

Connect ALL the dots. Not only the ones which seem comforting. Save yourself from the abyss of conformity.

It is the opposite of creative expression. And real understanding.

Love, and save the world in the process. That is what I've learned in my development.

If you don't want to change the world, which you are in an ever mirror dance with, it usually means that you don't want to change yourself. Only the circumstances you deem to be the hindrances for your visions about your self.

Well, I'm sorry to say, change is all there is.

Few things are more definite than change.

Life is about evolving or devolving. And if you can't, then our paths part here. I have nothing to offer you but grievances.

Or take part in that frequency. Then I am willing and eager to change along side with you. But not for you.

It is sad when others condemn you to some imagined or experienced label. Failing to realize that this is what they choose to see in others in that moment.

The trigger is real, the effect is not. The catalyst of your own inner state is there.

The response is based on your ability to respond to the surrounding emotions (the mind thinks and feels, the soul knows and are aware, the spirit is disccerning and a righteous judge) with intent.


Feel me? 


Imagine a world covered in darkness.

There is suddenly One light.

Then two,

Then four, and so on and on ....

That's why they strung him and all the others up on a wooden cross.

Be it real or fictional.

Eventually that number will reach what is called the breaching point.

This is written in the stars.

Without Jesus there is little to no hope for anyone to find the truth of our father.

What Jesus then did for us and who he was (is) is still the BIG topic. 

Just think a little bit about it; is there any other human (divine or not) that can make otherwise reasonable and empathetic people to act like...


well, "demons"?

I hope this is a start for the seed of knowledge to grow within your mind and soul. 

I pray for reverence to all,

in Jesus Christ name, Amen