Language, please.

Language is a way for our individual point of consciousness to communicate our separate discoveries about the material and supernatural world to each other.

Different points of perception can make us not "see eye to eye".

That's actually a good thing.

We are all from the same source, looking out into eternity. There are no teachers above Christ, and the truth can only come from within. Remeber that everybody is a student.

Simply by not agreeing on differences in languages, by wanting to conform said percepted reality to as few possible and accepted perceptions as possible we are limiting the message. 

By not being able to communicate our discoveries (and need, feelings and thoughts) about the sensible reality we also actively work against the creative force of reality.

 Language will determine the outcome of the intent behind our words, thus the ability to describe our inner and outer worldly experiences to others.

Mind your words, they are designing the outcome of the previews we have of life's coming attractions. What we by words define a part of our imagination to be: a focal point of attention.

Words are in this sense material thoughtforms. Which lay the very foundation of your being and ability to percieve what this is, and therefor God, Christ and the cosmos are. 

The material and metaphysical worlds are to be accepted as equal. Feet on the ground, head in the stars and spirit in the flesh.


As we come to realize ourselves we must not forget that this self is existing with others. Who we are to love as ourselves.

With the aid of God's word and spirit we can find a way to do so, together.

Behave as we are supposed to. Not how we merely want to, but very much will. With a guide or master if you will, to the truth, the way and the life, namely Jesus Christ.

Since He is the word, and we have been given the power to speak on his behalf (as christians we do), we are to take responability with sincere intent. '

The effect of wording is evident. Is it not? 

So it is with Jesus Christ. If one cares to look and listen. 

After all....


He is the Word of God made flesh. 

DO not JUDGE A book BY ITS cover

We can all agree that one human aspect is that we want what is best for us. Right? 

Even the narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths want that. They have "simply" given into darkness, evil.

In others we see ourselves.

In many cases they mirror back ourselves to us.

Sometimes in a twisted (mental or spiritual) way. It is often easy to judge others when we don't know ourselves. 

To be able to take care of and give ourselves the nurturing we need, we must first know ourselves.

Judgment needs fear to feed on. Without it judgment has nothing to draw momentum from.

When you judge others it is often because you are afraid to contemplate on what it is within yourself that gets triggered.

Thus, releasing the feeling of fear, which in turn gives judgment energy.

The real mindboggle is that it is not you who is judging, it is the shadow, the subconscious programming, so to speak (demonic influence). 

So, when you notice yourself being drawn into judging, remember that one is not to judge, not even “evil”.

The notion is simply “put” there for you to be aware of it and what it signals; your que for proving your “awakeness”, or the ability to respond in accordance to your "awareness". 

Karma isnt a bitch. You are though.

Especially for not learning to behave . . .


McKenna and Passio:

Words rules the world. They point to something other then them self. Thus can make an impression on your mind which controlls your realtity.


With the right, or wrong focus you will reflect back onto others what you deep down know is lacking in yourself.

A very smart thing you might do in life, is to stop reacting to everything.

Start to pause, consider, and then make the choice.

What you don't have is a lot of things.

(if you do, get rid of as many of them as possible)

What you do have, is time to learn to make the right choices.

With a little practice and patience you will soon enough not even have to make choices.


It is an amazing thing, the feeling you get when you release the resistance and just lean in, into the universe.

No attachment, just connection. Just flowing, vibing, waving.

Being the crest of a wave on the ocean, of e(energy (in))motions. These emotions can be seen or felt as a sea of energy, with different frequency (I am trying to paint a picture, not make a point) which you can "explore" using your feelings.


NOTE! Carefully though, feelings a treacherous. 


Now, imagine that you rise above and become the observer, the fisherman of said ocean. Remember that if you are going to be a fisherman do not act surprised if you catch something. And as with all business of fishing; You do not always catch what you intended or sought to catch. So as the fisherman, above the sea, so can you also be the observer of this field of feelings.

Maybe even "walk on water"? 

I am talking about a life in the spirit and truth. There is no resistance, just "flow".


You may be on the path of becoming something else (I pray it is a chistian), that is good. But as you are reading this you are nevertheless first and foremost a human being since you are here, reading this.

A part of the creative evolution of God's universe. Every time a star is born (which literally; by the law of one means every living thing that is able) some new aspect of creation is suddenly materialized into existence. 

Think about that for a while, if you may. There is no other perception of the entirety of creation which is similar to yours. Do you see how unique that makes you. In the world and in God's eye.

The crux is that it takes time to build something, it takes time to figure out what to build and it takes time to understand the thing and what to do with it. You suddenly are materialized into a physically dense vessel, incarnated as we Christians say. 

This is part of what you are building. A body. A tempel, a lighthouse.

Some find the meaning of this earlier, some later.

It has taken me all my life to get this: (I hope it can be of assistance) That the duality and balancing effects of the universe who have to act out in this manner to be able to find equilibrium and experiences that can give the most amount of learning about the generative force of love; evolution (creative free willed force expression, lovemaking).

I hope you know I am talking about Agape. Not merely sexual attraction or desire. 


Not a fight between good and bad, where good or bad always wins. I believe there is an answer or solution in the realization of merging polarizing aspects. There, in the middle of black and white, true or false, yin or yang, satan and christ in you, will you find the holy truth. In duality; in the aspects of, not the definition. After all, when you have found your truth you will be deemed demon to some, angel to others.

As was our Lord Jesus.